The man behind the screen described, the handsome devil standing coyingly to the right ->

Age: Timeless.
Sex: Yes please.
Location: Your place in 10 minutes if you'll let me.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Welcome to my world :)

Chillax. Perhaps a tune as you meander though... just click play.

Who the hell is this guy you ponder.
Meet Bob. Starts with B, ends with B, nothing in the middle.
A face to the name...

Old enough to know better and young enough not to care.
Lots. Unless you mean with somebody else.
Canadian, yes

Male, yes.
Single, yes.
Vehicle, car matches my personality.
*doesn't have one*

One on my online personas is on a Question and Answer site; no chatting, no images or uploads, simply rapid fire Q&A with sometimes things being lost in translation in just, text.


actual real YA questions as asked by the authors...

with my answer in image.

*flicks popcorn at you*

--- --- ---
Question: Was Hitler really a bad guy?

My answer...

Question:  What is the weather like in the Yukon right now?
My answer...

How do you become Top Contributor? Do you get anything for it?

Have you ever been fired from a job?

How do I post a question?

Who do you think will win the World Series this year?

Second-hand pot smoke won't effect my pets, right?

What does 'soccer mom' mean?

People say I'm good looking. Rate me 1-10?

Does anyone know some really good Amine?

Is it wrong to have feelings for my sister if I'm married in Tennessee? Here's a picture of my wife and sister:

What is the official procedure should you have bad gas while scuba-diving?

Is Gender Studies a good catagory?

Is it legal to have my dog in the car with me when I drive?

Am I good looking? When you see me what's your first impression?

What is the hardest word puzzle you've seen on 'Wheel of Fortune'?

Who won the womens gold in hockey last Olympics?

When was the last terrorist attack against Canada?

Is Canada any different than the USA or Britain?

Do you think all those things people said about Michael Jackson are true?

What does the new Canadian $20 look like?

Are things expensive in Canada?

Is it true because of their size, giraffe's have no natural predator?

Does my girlfriend love me? She seems distant.

Do you have cool memories of winter when you were a kid?

Is that new Food Channel show any good?

Our program will returm momentarily...
But first, a word for our sponsor!

Remember when shipping during the silly season...

--  caio!  --


  1. LOL, GOOD ONE!!!!

  2. lets finish the first phrase... sticks and stones don't break my bones, but chains and whips EXCITE ME... oh god, Rihanna...

  3. Lol. Edited 0 Seconds ago.

  4. Lol, edited 0 Seconds ago.

  5. Your sharp wit is missed over at the Purple pages of yeehaw. You can answer with pictures now.
