The No 6 Heavy Bomber Group in England, the dozens of Fighter Squadrons bearing the 400 series patch to squadrons across the globe including Transport and Coastal Command represented the far east the effort was limitless in scope.
Canada was home to numerous operational bases be they reconnaissance on the west coast or anti-submarine patrols on the east coast.
RCAF No. 400 Squadron
Compliment: Supermarine Spitfire Mk XI and deHavilland Mosquito Mk XVI.
Fortress Europe 1941-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Dieppe Normandy Arnheim Rhine Biscay 1942-43
RCAF No. 401 Squadron
Compliment: Hawker Hurricane MkI - Supermarine Spitfire IIA - XIVE
Battle of Britain 1940, Defence of Britain 1940-41, English Channel and North Sea 1942, Dieppe Arnheim Fortress Europe 1941-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Arnheim, Rhine
RCAF No. 402 Squadron
Compliment: Hawker Hurricane MkI - Supermarine Spitfire IIA - XIVE
Defence of Britain 1941-44, Fortress Europe 1941-44, English Channel and North Sea 1941-45, Arnheim Rhine Dieppe France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944
RCAF No. 403 Squadron
Compliment: Tomahawk I/IIA, Supermarine Spitfire, North American Mustang
Defence of Britain 1941-44, English Channel and North Sea 1942, Fortress Europe 1941-44, Dieppe France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Rhine
RCAF No. 404 Squadron
Compliment: Bristol Blenheim IV, Bristol Beaufighter XIC, deHavilland Mosquito
Atlantic 1941-45, English Channel and North Sea 1941-45, Baltic 1944-45, Normandy Biscay 1943-44
RCAF No. 405 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers Wellington, Handley-Page Halifax, Avro Lancaster
Fortress Europe 1941-44, France & Germany Biscay Ports 1941-45, Ruhr 1941-45, Berlin 1941, German Ports 1941-45, Normandy 1944, Walcheren Rhine Biscay 1942-43
RCAF No. 406 Squadron
Compliment: Bristol Blenheim IV, Bristol Beaufighter XIC, deHavilland Mosquito
RCAF No. 407 Squadron
Compliment: Blenheim IV, Wellington XI, Avro Lancaster Mk X
Atlantic 1943-1945, English Channel and North Sea 1941-1945, Fortress Europe 1942, German Ports 1942, Normandy 1944, Biscay 1942-1945
RCAF No. 408 Squadron
Compliment: Handley-Page Halifax, Avro Lancaster
English Channel and North Sea 1941-1943, Baltic 1941-1943, Fortress Europe 1941-1944, France and Germany 1944-1945, Rhine Biscay Ports 1941-1944, Ruhr 1941-1945, Berlin 1943-1944, German Ports 1941-1945, Normandy 1944, Biscay 1942-1943
RCAF No. 409 Squadron
Compliment: Bolton-Paul Defiant MkI, Bristol Beaufighter, deHavilland Mosquito
Defence of Britain 1941-44, Fortress Europe 1942-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Rhine
RCAF No. 410 Squadron
Compliment: Bolton-Paul Defiant MkI, Bristol Beaufighter, deHavilland Mosquito
Defence of Britain 1941-44, Fortress Europe 1943, Rhine France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944, Biscay 1943, Gulf War
RCAF No. 411 Squadron
Compliment: various Supermarine Spitfire marks
Defence of Britain 1941-44, English Channel and North Sea 1942-43, Fortress Europe 1941-44, Dieppe France and Germany 1944-45, Arnheim Normandy 1944 Rhine
RCAF No. 412 Squadron
Compliment: various Supermarine Spitfire marks
Defence of Britain 1941-44, Fortress Europe 1941-44, Dieppe English Channel and North Sea 1942-43, Arnheim Normandy 1944 Rhine
RCAF No. 413 Squadron
Compliament: Consolidated Catalina I and IV, North American Mitchell, Douglas Dakota, Consolidated Canso
Atlantic 1941-1943, Ceylon 1942, Eastern Waters 1942-1944
RCAF No. 414 Squadron
Compliment: Lysander III, Curtiss Tomahawk II, North American Mustang I, Spitfire IXC and Spitfire FR XIVE
Defence of Britain 1941-43, Fortress Europe 1942-44,France and Germany 1944-45, Dieppe Normandy 1944, Arnhem Biscay 1943
RCAF No. 415 Squadron
Compliment: Bristol Beaufort I, Handley-Page Hampten I, Vickers Wellington XIII, Handley-Page Halifax III/VII
Atlantic 1942, English Channel & North Sea 1942 - 1945, France & Germany 1944 - 1945, Ruhr 1944 - 1945, Rhine German Ports 1944 - 1945, Normandy 1944, Biscay 1942 - 1943
RCAF No. 416 Squadron
Compliment: various Supermarine Spitfire marks
Defence of Britain 1942-44, Arnhem Fortress Europe 1942-44, English Channel and North Sea 1943, Dieppe Normandy Rhine France and Germany 1944-45, Gulf War 1991
RCAF No. 417 Squadron
Compliment: Hawker Hurricane II, Supermarine Spitfire VB/VIII/IX, North American Mustang I
Defence of Britain 1942, Egypt and Libya 1942-43, North Africa 1943, Sicily 1943, Italy 1943-45 Salerno Anzio and Nettuno Gustav Line Gothic Line
RCAF No. 418 Squadron
Compliment: Boston III, deHavilland Mosquito II/VI
Defence of Britain 1944, Fortress Europe 1942-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Rhine
RCAF No. 419 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers Wellington, Handley-Page Halifax, Avro Lancaster
English Channel and North Sea 1942-1944, Normandy 1944, Rhine Baltic 1942-1944, Fortress Europe 1942-1944, Biscay 1942-1944, France and Germany 1944-1945, Biscay Ports 1942-1945, Ruhr 1942-1945, Berlin 1943-1944, German Ports 1942-1945
RCAF No. 420 Squadron
Compliment: Hampten I, Vickers Wellington, Handley-Page Halifax, Avro Lancaster
Defence of Britain 1944, Fortress Europe 1942-1944, France and Germany 1944-1945, Normandy 1944
RCAF No. 421 Squadron
Compliment: various Supermarine Spitfire marks
Defence of Britain 1942-43, Fortress Europe 1942-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Arnhem Rhine
RCAF No. 422 Squadron
Compliment: Consolidated Catalina I/III/IV, Short Sunderland III, Consolidated Liberator C VIII
Atlantic 1942-1945, English Channel and North Sea 1944-1945, Normandy 1944, Biscay 1944-1945, Arctic 1942
RCAF No. 423 Squadron
Compliment: Short Sunderland III, Consolidated Liberator C VIII
Atlantic 1942-1945, English Channel and North Sea 1944-1945, Normandy 1944, Biscay 1944
RCAF No. 424 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers WellingtonIII/X, Handley-Page Halifax III, Avro Lancaster I/III
English Channel and North Sea 1943-1945, Baltic 1944-1945, Salerno Fortress Europe 1943-1945, France and Germany 1944-1945, Rhine Biscay Ports 1943-1944, Ruhr 1943-1945, Berlin 1944, Normandy 1944, German Ports 1943-1945, Biscay 1943-1944, Sicily 1943, Italy 1943
RCAF No. 425 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers WellingtonIII/X, Handley-Page Halifax III, Avro Lancaster X
English Channel and North Sea 1942-43, Fortress Europe 1942-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Biscay Ports 1943-44, Ruhr 1942-45, Berlin 1944, German Parts 1942-45, Normandy 1944, Rhine Biscay 1942-43, Sicily 1943, Italy 1943 Salerno
RCAF No. 426 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers Wellington II/III/X, Handley-Page Halifax III/VII, Consolidated Liberator
nglish Channel and North Sea 1943, Baltic 1943, Fortress Europe 1943-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Biscay Ports 1943-44, Ruhr 1943-45, Berlin 1943-44, German Ports 1943-45, Normandy 1944, Rhine Biscay 1943
RCAF No. 427 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers WellingtonIII/X, Handley-Page Halifax III/V, Avro Lancaster I/III
English Channel and North Sea 1943-1945, Baltic 1944-1945, Rhine Fortress Europe 1943-1944, France and Germany 1944-1945, Biscay 1944, Biscay Ports 1943-1944, Ruhr 1943-1945, Berlin 1943-1944, German Ports 1943-1945, Normandy 1944
RCAF No. 428 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers Wellington III/X, Handley-Page Halifax II/V, Avro Lancaster X
English Channel and North Sea 1943-44, Baltic 1944, Fortress Europe 1943-1944, France and Germany 1944-45, Biscay Ports 1943-44, Ruhr 1943-45, Berlin 1943-1944, Normandy 1944, German Ports 1943-45, Biscay 1943-44 Rhine
RCAF No. 429 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers Wellington III/X, Handley-Page Halifax II/V, Avro Lancaster I/III
English Channel and North Sea 1943-1945, Baltic 1943-1945, Fortress Europe 1943-1944, France and Germany 1944-1945, Biscay Ports 1943-1944, Ruhr 1943-1944, Berlin 1943-1944, German Ports 1943-1945, Normandy 1944, Biscay 1943-1944
RCAF No. 430 Squadron
Compliment: Curtiss Tomahawk I/II, North American Mustang I, Supermarine Spitfire FR XIVE
Fortress Europe 1943-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Arnheim Rhine
RCAF No. 431 Squadron
Compliment: Vickers Wellington X, Avro Lancaster II, Handley-Page Halifax III/VII
English Channel and North Sea 1943, Fortress Europe 1944-1945, France and Germany 1944-1945, Biscay Ports 1944, Ruhr 1943-1945, Berlin 1943-1944, German Ports 1943-1945, Normandy 1944, Rhine Biscay 1943
RCAF No. 432 Squadron
Compliment: Handley-Page Halifax III, Avro Lancaster I/III
English Channel and North Sea 1944-1945, Baltic 1944-1945, Fortress Europe 1944, France and Germany 1944-1945, Biscay Ports 1944, Ruhr 1944-1945, Berlin 1944, German Ports 1944-1945, Normandy 1944, Rhine Biscay 1944
RCAF No. 433 Squadron
Compliment: Handley-Page Halifax B III/V, Avro Lancaster X
English Channel; North Sea 1943-1944; Baltic 1943-1944; Fortress Europe 1943-1944; France and Germany 1944-1945; Biscay Ports 1944; Ruhr 1943-1945; Berlin 1943-1944; German Ports 1944-1945; Normandy 1944; The Rhine.
RCAF No. 434 Squadron
Compliment: Douglas Dakota
Burma 1944 - 1945
RCAF No. 435 Squadron
Compliment: Douglas Dakota
Burma 1944 - 1945
RCAF No. 436 Squadron
Compliment: Douglas Dakota
Burma 1944 - 1945
RCAF No. 437 Squadron
Compliment: Douglas Dakota Mk.III & IV
France and Germany 1944-1945 Arnhem Rhine
RCAF No. 438 Squadron
Compliment: Hawker Hurricane IV, Hawker Typhoon IB
Fortress Europe 1944, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Arnhem Rhine
RCAF No. 439 Squadron
Compliment: Hawker Hurricane IV, Hawker Typhoon IB
Fortress Europe 1944, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Arnhem Rhine
RCAF No. 440 Squadron
Compliment: Hawker Hurricane IV, Hawker Typhoon IB
Fortress Europe 1944, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944, Arnhem Rhine Aleutians 1942-43
RCAF No. 441 Squadron
Compliment: Supermarine Spitfire VB/IXC/IXE, North American Mustang IVI
Defence of Britain 1945, Fortress Europe 1944, Normandy France and Germany 1944-45, Arnhem Walcheren
RCAF No. 442 Squadron
Compliment: Supermarine Spitfire VB/IXC/IXE, North American Mustang IV
Fortress Europe 1944, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944, Arnhem Rhine
RCAF No. 443 Squadron
Compliment: Supermarine Spitfire VB/IXC/IXE, North American Mustang IV
Fortress Europe 1944, France and Germany 1944-45, Normandy 1944 Arnhem Rhine
RCAF No. 444 Squadron [Artillery Observation]
Compliment: Auster, Chipmunk
Holmsley South, Sussex
Winkleigh, Devon
SECOND TACTICAL AIR FORCE [on route to France]
No. 126 (F) Wing - HQ Tangmere, Sussex
RCAF No 401 Squadron - Spitfire IXB
RCAF No 411 Squadron - Spitfire IXB
RCAF No. 412 (F) Squadron - Spitfire IXB
No. 127 (F) Wing - HQ Tangmere, Sussex
RCAF No. 403 (F) Squadron - Spitfire IXB
RCAF No. 416 (F) Squadron - Spitfire IXB
RCAFNo. 421 (F) Squadron - Spitfire IXB
No. 144 (F) Wing - Ford, Sussex; HQ en route to France
RCAF No. 441 (F) Squadron - Spitfire IXB
RCAF No. 442 (F) Squadron - Spitfire IXB
RCAF No. 443 (F) Squadron - Spitfire IXB
No. 22 (RCAF) Sector - HQ en route to France
No. 143 (FB) Wing - HQ Hurn, Hants
RCAF No. 438 (FB) Squadron - Typhoon IB
RCAF No. 439 (FB) Squadron - Typhoon IB
RCAF No. 440 (FB) Squadron - Typhoon IB
No. 39 (RCAF) Sector - HQ en route to France
No. 128 (R) Wing - HQ Odiham, Hants
RCAF No. 400 (FR) Squadron - Spitfire XI
RCAF No. 414 (FR) Squadron - Mustang I
RCAF No. 430 (FR) Squadron - Mustang I
No. 15 (RAF) Sector
No. 129 (FB) Wing (RCAF) - HQ Westhampnett, Sussex
No RCAF units assigned
No. 85 (Base) Group
RCAF No. 142 (RAF) Wing, Horne, Yorks
RCAF No. 402 (F) Squadron - Spitfire Vc
RCAF No. 147 (RAF) Wing, West Malling, Kent
RCAF No. 409 (NF) Squadron - Mosquito XIII
RCAF No. 149 (RAF) Wing, Hunsdon, Herts
RCAF No. 410 (NF) Squadron - ???
Koggala, Ceylon
RCAF No 413 Squadron - Catalina
Cassino Italy
RCAF No 417 Squadron - Spitfire VIII
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